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Fotoalbum » AMBI 2007 »  Generalprobe Stadttheater (30.6.)

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Babak schrieb am 28.10.15: Arthur is like my teenager Me9lissa! As soon as I arrvie she stops speaking about her secrets and wait her mother goes away to continue!!! Sounds Halloween isn't in the air this year in Provence. I only saw any decorations in Carrefour and in some shops they sell already christmas decorations!

Babak schrieb am 28.10.15: Arthur is like my teenager Me9lissa! As soon as I arrvie she stops speaking about her secrets and wait her mother goes away to continue!!! Sounds Halloween isn't in the air this year in Provence. I only saw any decorations in Carrefour and in some shops they sell already christmas decorations!


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